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Friday, April 30, 2010

Driving Traffic to your site, Cape Cod Video

How to Improve Website Traffic

* By Matthew Henderson
* Published 01/28/2009
* General
* Rating: *****

Matthew Henderson*reprint*

Matt Henderson, owner of, is an affiliate internet marketing coach. As an affiliate marketing guide for beginners, let Matt show you the same system he uses to make money with affiliate programs when you visit
View all articles by Matthew Henderson
There are 3 main ways to improve website traffic. They are: Visibility, accessibility, maintenance. Each of these brings something to the tally, but when combined, they provide a website owner with about the best net he can cast in the world of potential site visitors.

How do these aspects work and how do they work together to improve website traffic? Well, it all rests upon a simple premise:

A website doesn't exist suspended in a vacuum. Websites are part of a dynamic and trend-changing world. The biggest mistake site owners make is that they leave the site to fend off for itself once they have created it.

How is this bad? Look at it this way.

Sites need to be visible, accessible, and well maintained. And most important, a website needs traffic to make sales. By not updating your site and by leaving it to 'die' a slow death in the back alleys of cyberspace, you aren't doing anything to improve website traffic and to help your site survive.

Your site needs to be visible in search engine pages; it needs to be easily accessed; and it needs to be maintained to provide a contributive experience for the visitor.

Think of it as a garden. If you don't prune and weed (i.e., maintenance), the road to the garden will be overgrown and no one will be able to get into the garden (i.e., accessibility).

Once your entry path has disappeared behind a maze of plants and weeds, nobody will even see it and everyone will bypass it without even knowing it is there (visibility).

With these 3 aspects in mind, here are a few tips and pointers as to how you can maintain the accessibility and visibility of your website in cyberspace and improve website traffic to make sure that you are getting traffic and visitors regularly.

- Keywords
Choosing the correct keywords are vital in order to improve website traffic. It pays to choose keywords carefully, because it is based on those same keywords that your site may or may not come up listed in a search engine page.

Figure out which keywords are best associated with your website. You also need to think of how people may think of your site, and thus decide which keywords they are most apt to use.

Next, run the keywords in a search engine to decide if they are good or not (based on the results you get). Find out the ones that are most relevant and apply them to your website.

- Directories
A lot of people underestimate the traffic-sending power of Internet directories. While not as popular as search engines, this is a sure way to improve website traffic.

Furthermore, being listed in directories help to boost your search engine result placement, which will definitely improve website traffic.

- SEO optimization
There are many ways to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines, too many to be listed here as a matter of fact. But through properly optimizing your website you are sure to improve website traffic.

- Pages
Make sure your pages are good and ready to be viewed. This is as simple but many times overlooked way to improve website traffic. A good tip where pages are concerned is to title each page separately. Adding unique descriptions for each page also helps here, as then the site is not seen as a big bundle
of same titled and described pages.

-Open Directory Project
The Open Directory Project is a place that a lot of people don't deign to pay attention to. However this can be a good way to improve website traffic by increasing your visibility.

- Yahoo directory
The Yahoo directory is another good directory that is sure to improve your website traffic. destination many surfers check, so being placed there is always good.

- PPC search engine advertising
If you are looking for traffic, then ppc advertising is a sure fire way to improve website traffic fast. Just make sure you study up a little about it before you jump in.

- Provide good content
People usually search for information. Try to satisfy this need and you could win much traffic. Aim for unique, relevant content.

- Update content regularly
Keep content fresh and always try to have something new, even if just a little tidbit, for your visitors. The search engines love fresh new content and the reward you with increased traffic to your website.

- Have a blog and update regularly
The easiest way to improve website traffic is to have a blog and to update it regularly. Making use of the RSS feed will also encourage people to remain in touch with your site and ultimately to come back again and again.

- Use appropriate keywords for images
If you are using graphics, make sure to label them with an appropriate keyword or name. A lot of people use Google images and an image can thus lead a visitor to your site. This is not a big traffic getter, but making use of every little thing will definitely improve website traffic.

- Check your pages on engines regularly
Do a check on yourself periodically. This way you will know if viewers are getting the same thing you are trying to convey.

- Banner ads optimize traffic
Many people see banner advertising as dead, but not so. The biggest hurdle is that most website owners don't know how to devise a good banner. Many wise marketers are still using banner ads to effectively improve website traffic.

- Build a list
Once you get someone to visit your site, try to ensure that the visitor comes back again in the future. You can do this by collecting the visitors name and email address so you can stay in touch and send them future offers. This is one of the most effective ways to not only improve website traffic, but also to maximize your imcome.

- Link exchange
Exchange links for more visibility, gain credibility and naturally to improve your website traffic.

- Email signatures
Make use of your email signature to spread the word about your site. It is also a very good opportunity to brand yourself, giving people a glimpse of what they'd see at your site.

- Write articles
Another way to improve website traffic is to write and submit newsletters and articles. These will always provide you with a way of linking back to your site as well as a window where you can promote your website in a nutshell.

- Press Releases
Many webmasters still have not figured out the importance of press releases and how they can improve website traffic. By writing one or two effective press releases per month you can definitely improve your websites visibility in ways that you just cannot accomplish otherwise.

Keep in mind, you can't just build a site and walk away. Traffic is necessary for sales and these are all very effective ways to improve website traffic. Naturally, the more you do the more results you will see.

Mickey Lacasse, Cape Cod Video Search 508-317-1806

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saltwater Woodworks*New Project*

Matt Sullivan of Saltwater Woodworks of Cape Cod, Ma
shows off his latest project: The Swiss Chalet

What is SEO*reprint* Cape Cod Video Search

Use SEO Strategies
to Improve Web Traffic

By Enzo F. Cesario (c) 2010 BrandSplat
reprinted by Cape Cod Video Search

Every new technology adopted widely by society brings about a number of new opportunities. The movable type printing press created affordable print information, the telephone and radio created the concept of instantaneous communication over great distances. Today, the Internet has unified both of these concepts into the information explosion that is the digital age.

Consider this article alone - a mere forty years ago printing even fifty copies of each page would cost either a chunk of change or at least a suspicious look from the boss as you hovered over the office copier. Now the information can be sent to thousands of people within the time it takes to brew a good cup of tea.

Of course with every technology comes a system to make the best marketing use of that advancement. The radio gave rise to the modern commercial advertisement, which was refined by the television and still persists on the Web. The telephone gave us telemarketers and the first concept of communication networking. For making the most of the Internet, the strategy of the day is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What is SEO, again?

In short, SEO is the presentation of a webpage in such a way that it consistently ranks highly in particular search engine results. While fads and sensations can quickly boom online from "word of mouth," they don't produce the same reliable success as a balanced, systematic approach.

Very few businesses, after all, want one rush of attention that leads to a website crash, followed by an equally quick slide into the various forgotten graveyards of the web. Therefore, SEO uses a combination of elements to make the site increasingly relevant to the various searches that Internet users perform, to bring it up again and again among the best results.

Key SEO Strategies

1. Set Goals

Identify what you want your SEO campaign to accomplish. While any SEO-conscious writing and page design can contribute to a site's search engine rankings, an unfocused effort will simply waste time and money. After all, a business promoting athletic clothing and footwear may not benefit too much from showing up in searches for evening wear. Is your goal simply to improve your site's visitor traffic? Do you want to generate more sales of a product? Is it part of an effort to promote your digital brand? Each of these goals benefits from different aspects of SEO technique.

2. Link Up

Link building is one of the cornerstones of any SEO effort. Many search engines are spider-based, meaning they use automated processes to collect and categorize information on various websites. When a large number of websites provide links back to your business, or when a particularly high-traffic site does so, the spiders take notice of it and raise the relevance of that link in searches related to those sites.

3. Get the Keys

Keyword writing is consistently stressed as a requirement when websites look for content writers. Keywords are just that, words and phrases chosen for their popularity and relevance to key searches.

There are dozens of theories about keyword writing. In the earlier days of SEO writing, it wasn't uncommon to see pages that were nothing but long strings of repeated variations on a few keywords. This has evolved into more organic writing that fits in keywords with the article as a whole.

Whichever strategy is chosen, care must be taken to avoid the temptation to abuse keyword searches. Yes, a proper keyword density will bring up your search rankings over time. However, Google can and does ban pages from its index when they determine it to be a keyword-abusing effort. So consider your keyword choices carefully, and seamlessly integrate them into your entire strategy.

4. Be on the Right Page

One aspect occasionally neglected in SEO is the architecture and design of the webpage itself. Search engines and their ranking systems (be they spider or human based) are growing more sophisticated all the time, and look at many different factors in their decisions. A site that buries its keyword-rich articles on interior pages behind dozens of subsidiary links will not perform as well as one with strategic keyword-oriented material right on the front page. Have an SEO-conscious designer look over your page, as well as your articles.

Remember that every business is a multi-faceted whole. Many failures occur when people attempt to compartmentalize too much. You can't consider SEO as some sort of 'event' that you do every so often, just as a business can't put off routine maintenance of their equipment and expect it to function properly. Integrate your efforts into the entire process, and give them the same focus as any other effort in the business, and they will return their investment much more reliably, quickly, and ideally.

About The Author
Enzo F. Cesario is a Copywriter and co-founder of Brandsplat

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Turning Facebook Into Buyer *reprint*

Turning Facebook Fans Into Buyers

It seems like Facebook is controlling more and more of users' online time, and that doesn't appear to be on pace to change anytime soon. Facebook is already on the path to controlling more content, online retail, and online identification, and who knows what all announcements we'll see come out of the company's F8 developer conference this week? To what extent Facebook will dominate these aspects of our web use (it's grown a great deal in search too by the way) is yet to be seen, but the point is, Facebook is giving users a lot more reasons to use it, and in some cases it's not really even a conscious decision. See the recent South Park episode for a good illustration about how Facebook continues to suck more people in. Facebook is where the people are online.

How important is Facebook to your online business? Share your thoughts here.

We've written several times recently about Facebook's role in e-commerce. WebProNews spoke with Christian Taylor CEO of Payvment, which has been offering a Facebook storefront application to retailers since the beginning of November, and is now giving them a way to get people more interested in buying from them. It's simple really - if a Facebook user comes across one of the retailers utilizing Payvment, they will be able to get discounts on merchandise for becoming a fan. That ought to drive some interest in Facebook e-commerce and user engagement with retail brands.

"As Facebook’s F8 conference approaches, many companies still wonder how they can transform Facebook from a "soft" relationship and marketing tool to something that will actually have an effect on their company’s bottom line. ; For the first time, this new e-commerce solution will allow that to happen," Pavyment says.

Sidenote: ;A new study finds that questions businesses have about how they should be using social media have changed quite a bit within a year. Last year it was more about tactics. Now businesses want to know about ROI.

Mickey Lacasse
Cape Cod Video Search

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Social Media Marketing WILL Stimulate your Economy

Social Media WILL Stimulate your local economy
Articles appearing in this newsletter:
UPsell Your Products and Services
Today I want to express how using social media can help stimulate your sales process. It does not matter what the product or service is, social media can be used to get your message out there.

There is a plan that I have developed that is working well for my clients.

1. Establish a gmail account that associates your product or service to you.

2. A gmail account give you access to a google blogspot blogger account.
Create a blogspot with your gmail address: example-http://

3. Create a home page on Facebook using the same gmail address.
3a. Create a Business Page on FaceBook

4. Repeat with Twitter and Linked-in.

5. Link all the sites together so that when you post to your blog, it automatically goes to
Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in.

You can find numerous other ways to link your blog posts, which will create more exposure.

The idea with social media is to build a "Network". You do this by sending out 'friend' invitations, so having your e-mail contacts in a CSV file will make this a lot easier, although most of the Social media sites will pull this information for you from your e-mail accounts.

Once you have built your network with "friends" every time you post, the information goes to all your friends. You have a captive audience receiving your Interesting, changing, CONTENT.
You can advertise specials, sales and most importantly INFORMATION that you "friends" will find
friendly and compelling.

Cape Cod Video Search has set up Networks like this for our clients and help them understanding, using and Posting Information to their Blogs and Social Media Networks.

Below is a reprint of an article of some ways social media is being used with impact in unexpected ways.

Thank You
Mickey Lacasse
Cape Cod Video Search

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The above is a repeated article
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